Posts by admin

  1. Test Post 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod bibendum ultricies, dolor erat imperdiet sem, quis elementum elit ipsum ut turpis. In vel ante metus ut volutpat gravida, magna ante euismod velit, vel venenatis turpis turpis sit amet dui.

  2. Hello world!

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam distinctio nisi, esse saepe nulla explicabo assumenda praesentium laborum corporis veniam culpa ea iusto est adipisci consequatur dolores quibusdam, officia minus.


Check HealthCare has designed and manufactured systems for these medical furniture manufacturers

  • The first thing you will note about dealing with Check is their professionalism. Some companies offer a product and give you an instruction sheet with a few tidbits of information. Check will work with you and support you on all aspects of your relationship with them. Simply put, that means comfort. We buy their product, we use their product and we don’t look back.

    - Michael S.

  • I deal with vendors every day and I have to applaud Check Corporation for their wonderful service and quick response. They do an excellent job communicating with me and whenever I have a tight deadline they always try to meet my needs.

    - La Z Boy Contract

  • Check Corporation has been a valued, and critical, Winco supplier-partner since 2005. Their willingness to work within our product requirements and manufacturing schedules has been instrumental in allowing Winco to maintain the highest quality standards while meeting customer demand. Check has been proactive in working to advance technology always involving our development teams in the implementation of product improvements.

    - Tom L., Winco Mfg., LLC